Taste the Goodness

What are a few of my favorite natural sweeteners?

Glad you asked! Here’s a sneak peek into my pantry to give you just a taste of the sweet goodness just waiting for you as you go sugar-lite or sugar free.

Stevia— if you don’t like it, try another brand. Seriously. They taste that different. Here are a few that I switch back and forth between, depending on the use.
KAL for coffee, baking (usually in combo with other sweeteners) and packets in my purse
SweetLeaf works nicely too and is easier to find
Liquid for some beverages: tea (depending on my mood), iced coffee, sparkling waters
(zero calories – won’t raise blood sugars)

Honey–baking and tea, especially if I’m in a “sweet tea” or splurging mood
Choose a local variety if available for more immune boosting benefits
Look for raw varieties that maintain important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Coconut Sugar–definitely for baking
Similar to brown sugar with a hint of molasses

Xylitol–baking (quite often with a combo of sweeteners), sometimes tea, gum & mints
Can be substituted in a more 1:1 ratio in receipes, so it’s easier to convert fav recipes.
Can cause slight GI upset for some, as the body adjusts to digesting its sugar alcohols
(very low-glycemic and virtually calorie free)

Erythritol–baking, gum & mints
I haven’t played with this as much. But, it is usually even more tolerated than xylitol, as a sugar alcohol.