Though we’re just days away from August, it’s not too late to still meet our health goals (resolutions) for the year. Yes, I know, most of them could be long forgotten, BUT there’s still hope! With 5 months left of 2016, there’s still plenty of time to make some real progress!!
16 years ago, facing my own health crisis, I finally had to come face to face with “what really is health?!” With horrible cystic acne, miserable digestion and food sensitivities, fever and unable to work (and hardly even function!) for 3 months, extreme fatigue and a host of other symptoms, I knew health was waaay deeper than I understood or had been trained in college and professionally. Especially when doctors gave me an anti-depressant and told me to go live my life! Though I can’t share my full story here, I’ve been healed and my health restored. With it came a whole new understanding and appreciation of health, wellness and wholeness…as well as a tool chest full of gems I want to share with you to encourage and support you on your journey! …and hopefully make it just a little bit easier for you.
SO, whether it’s shed a few pounds, build some muscle, find the root issue(s) of symptoms that have bothered you for too long, “eat better,” lower your cholesterol, manage your blood sugars, or do a complete makeover… following these 12 steps can lead you into a whole new place of health! We’re so phenomenally put together that we just can’t separate out the physical, emotional and spiritual components of our lives. As we nurture our body, mind and spirit, and bring them into a place of balance, then we can experience full living and real health.
Now, let’s get back on track. We’ll start with 2 biggies that make a HUGE impact. Be looking for what you can implement to help you towards your 2016 goals. Come on! You can do it!
1- Nourish – (Even I need a review on this now and again!)
Give your bod
y the building blocks it needs for life and health. Explore nutrient-dense, delicious options that naturally eliminate lifeless, empty-calorie foods. Enjoy the beauty, benefits and endless possibilities of foods in their most natural form: lots of fresh, green leafy, colorful veggies & fruit, nuts & seeds, good oils (omega 3s & coconut oil), beans, whole grains, and lean, quality (antibiotic & hormone free) protein. Add in flavor-packed herbs and spices, loaded with extra antioxidant and healing properties. Make the investment now and enjoy good health for a lifetime! It’s easier to “maintain” health than to “regain” it.
2- Detoxify your life
Eliminate the “junk” from all areas of life. This may be food, but think just a little deeper to household products and cleaners, synthetic bath and body products, pollution, clutter, unorganized stacks of “stuff,” a job you don’t enjoy, unhealthy relationships, etc. Going just a bit further, this even includes toxic emotions you’ve held on to—fear, guilt, bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, negativity and unthankfulness. Let it go! Work through the hurt. Let it heal. You won’t miss it and you’ll be healthier! This is a step you can’t rush…and it’s often on-going!
Two simple tips, yet very profound and FULL of healing potential, as you walk through the depth of what’s loaded in just these concepts. Much more to come on each of these in the weeks and months to come.
Now, it’s your turn:
- What one thing will you do/add/change this week to nourish your body?
- What one thing will you detox from your life this week?
Be looking for Week 2’s Secrets!
Want some personalized accountability and support for your goals? You don’t have to do it alone!