Chocolate Covered Cherry Shake

Perfectly delicious for dessert…or breakfast, lunch or snack, and it’s loaded with antioxidants to keep it totally nutrient dense.
…and you can sneak greens into it and no one will ever know! Seriously.

Chocolate Covered Cherry Shake

2 cups frozen cherries, pitted*
3 scoops of chocolate protein powder**
1 cup almond milk, vanilla unsweetened
1/2-1 Tbsp flax oil
2 Tbsp flax seed, ground
1 tray ice cubes
~2 cups chopped greens (beet greens, chard or spinach)

Blend all ingredients except for ice in high-powered blender until mostly smooth. Add ice and blend until thick like a milkshake. Serve immediately.

Makes ~4 cups.

*you may want to check cherries for missed pits before blending

**I used UltraLean, a xylitol sweetened, whey powder with added vitamins and minerals. Its extra chocolatey formula makes this like a chocolate milkshake. Use any variety you like or contact us for ordering details.


Be sure to share the goodness with a friend!

Orange Julius

My tree is still loaded, so I’m loving every minute of the extra-fresh, juicy, sweet oranges…and Vitamin C!

Looking for more orange ideas? How about the creamy, childhood-classic, Orange Julius. Try it out:

6 small oranges*
1-2 trays ice cubes (use more if you like it thinner, less if you like it thicker)
3 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder**
Peel from 1/4 of an orange

Blend all ingredients in high-powered blender.
Garnish with an orange slice and enjoy!

Makes 4 cups.

*freeze extra orange sections to enjoy them fresh all year.

Add 1/2 banana and exchange 1-2 oranges for 1 cup pineapple.


**I like Garden of Life’s Raw Protein–Vanilla. An organic whey protein (grass-fed) would be delicious if you can tolerate dairy. OR try 1-2 Tbsp dried coconut milk powder and a few drops of vanilla extract for dairy-free, creamy deliciousness.

Deliciously Up-Beet

Ready to venture out with your groceries and try something new? I really love beets, but when I mention this I get 1 of 2 looks…”Oh I love them too.” Or “Are you crazy?!”

No matter what your previous beet experiences may be, these gorgeous little beauties are packed with such goodness. Their rich color just hints of their many benefits! You might see beets as an option “off-the-beet-en path”, or even overlook them as a little unusual, “out there” and a bit “too scary to try.” But, give ‘em another chance. They’re loaded with flavor and give the body some unique, powerful perks. Here’s a closer look and a simple summary of the many highlights you can love about them:

–Fight cancer
–Protect eye health from macular degeneration and cataracts (even more so from beet greens)
–Reduce birth defects – excellent source of folate to prevent neural tube defects/spina bifida
–Support detox – helping your liver and cleaning your blood, making sure the toxins can get flushed out
–Reduce inflammation
–Provide strong antioxidant support through an unusual phytonutrient blend of betalain antioxidant pigments (distinct red color), Vitamin C and manganese
–Give additional antioxidant support through betaines, reducing inflammatory markers (especially protecting the heart and blood vessels)
–Reduce blood pressure and improve circulation – by forming nitric oxide, blood vessels relax and dilate…even increasing brain blood flow and function
–Boost endurance – increasing athletic performance to exhaustion by 15-20%
And more!


So what in the world do you do with them??

Beet shopping & prep tips:
1-Look for bright-colored roots w/ fresh, green leaves.
2-Remove (slice off) tops and set aside for green smoothies.
3-Wash and scrub beets well to remove all mud and dirt.
4-Trim and remove hair roots and dark or tough spots.
5-Bake in covered dish with ¼-1/2” water about 45 minutes OR quarter and steam 15-20 minutes. Ideally, keep cooking time as short as possible to maintain nutrients (definitely under 1 hr.) Beets are done when they are “tender” when poked with a fork.
6-Season with olive oil or butter and a little sea salt and/or garlic …or ginger. Or try this super easy, lovely Beet and Feta Salad


(Beets are super easy to grow, if you’re looking for a gardening adventure. Fresh from the garden, they are unbelievably sweet.)



(Oh, and don’t be shocked if you notice very bright reddish colors in the bathroom for the next few days. 🙂 )

Taste the Goodness

What are a few of my favorite natural sweeteners?

Glad you asked! Here’s a sneak peek into my pantry to give you just a taste of the sweet goodness just waiting for you as you go sugar-lite or sugar free.

Stevia— if you don’t like it, try another brand. Seriously. They taste that different. Here are a few that I switch back and forth between, depending on the use.
KAL for coffee, baking (usually in combo with other sweeteners) and packets in my purse
SweetLeaf works nicely too and is easier to find
Liquid for some beverages: tea (depending on my mood), iced coffee, sparkling waters
(zero calories – won’t raise blood sugars)

Honey–baking and tea, especially if I’m in a “sweet tea” or splurging mood
Choose a local variety if available for more immune boosting benefits
Look for raw varieties that maintain important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Coconut Sugar–definitely for baking
Similar to brown sugar with a hint of molasses

Xylitol–baking (quite often with a combo of sweeteners), sometimes tea, gum & mints
Can be substituted in a more 1:1 ratio in receipes, so it’s easier to convert fav recipes.
Can cause slight GI upset for some, as the body adjusts to digesting its sugar alcohols
(very low-glycemic and virtually calorie free)

Erythritol–baking, gum & mints
I haven’t played with this as much. But, it is usually even more tolerated than xylitol, as a sugar alcohol.


Oh Sweet Love!

February. It brings visions of romance and love, hearts and roses, sweet words, sweet songs, sweet chocolate and other of course, other delectable sweets!

As much as we love to indulge our sweet tooth for special days, parties, holidays, everyday deliciousness, fun and comfort, let’s take a closer look at its sweetness. We eat a lot of it. Check out these astounding quantities of the average amounts of sugar each of us typically eats every year in the U.S.:

– Kids under 12: 49 pounds – USDA Economic Research Service
– Adults: 142 pounds – US News and World Report 2005
– 61 pounds high fructose corn syrup – Forbes 2012
– 53 gallons of soft drinks
– Compare this to 8.3 pounds of broccoli and 25 pounds of greens

As good as it tastes, sugar has a whole list of not-so-sweet effects on the body all documented by research.  Linus Pauling, one of the top scientists of all time said, “If you give up only one food, it should be sugar.”  Professionally, I have to agree.  Of all the things we eat, sugar is pretty hard on our bodies.  Here are just a few of its effects:

– Contributes to weight gain and obesity
– Causes tooth decay
– Suppresses the immune system
– Depletes mineral levels (affecting bone health)
– Disrupts blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to diabetes and other chronic conditions
– Increases blood fats in the blood, which can damage blood vessels, raising the risk of heart disease
– Compromises digestive health
– Leads to hormonal imbalances
– Feeds cancer cells
– Has an addictive effect on the brain
– Disturbs taste buds and creates cravings

Neuroscientists have shown highly-processed sugary foods especially impact the brain. Here are just some of sugar’s effects on the brain:

– Blocks “fullness signals”, causing weight gain
– Can increase appetite and cravings, confusing brain appetite, digestion and storage signals
– Change brain chemistry in as little as 3 months of eating highly processed foods, sugars, salts and fats
– Can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, inability to concentrate and depression-like behaviors
– Impairs visual processing functions and memory
– Alters brain’s neurotransmitters that regulate mood, emotions, thinking and learning

Moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas and teachers, think how these effects on the brain might affect growing children. Then, consider this: The biggest concern with sugar specifically for kids’ growing bodies is excess weight.

– Raises their risk of a lifetime of weight struggles
– Prematurely increases the risk factors for chronic, adult diseases that are now being seen in children, such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and osteoporosis
– Develops malnutrition, as their bodies get loaded with empty calories instead of nutrients needed for growth and healthy development

So what do you do with a sweet tooth? Here’s how you can indulge innocently, and at the same time, pamper your body:

Switch out and experiment with these natural sweeteners in beverages, recipes, meals, snacks and sweet treats:
Raw honey, Stevia, Fruit Puree, Dried fruit—dates, raisins, banana chips, figs, Coconut sugar, Pure maple syrup, Xylitol
Read labels…and try new brands with lower sugar. Sugar comes in everything from ketchup to soups to salad dressings and is called by many names (fructose, cane juice, corn syrup, etc.)
Choose foods that are nutrient dense, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds to fuel the body with real vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant nutrients
Shoot for <10% of your total calories for the day from added sweeteners (about 5-9 teaspoons per day for adults and 3-4 teaspoons for kids)

Look for more sweet snacking ideas coming soon. Be sure to share the sweetness!

Oatmeal Raisin Spice Cookies

Comfort cookies…even without the chocolate. Delicious for all ages! Gluten, dairy, egg and refined sugar free!

Oatmeal Raisin Spice Cookies

2/3 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup golden flax seed
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup brown coconut sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8+ tsp cloves
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp xanthan gum*
1/3 cup raisins
1/4 cup almond milk (vanilla, unsweetened)
1/4 cup raw honey
2 Tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla


Preheat oven to 375°. Combine all dry ingredients in small mixing bowl. Add almond milk, honey, oil and vanilla. Stir until mixed.
Drop by spoonful on stainless steel cookie sheet, flattening and shaping slightly.
Bake 7 minutes, then let set about 10 minutes.
Store in air-tight container.

*keeps cookies from being crumbly

Makes 14 cookies.

Sipping Coffee and Lattes–Innocent Style

Hot Peppermint Mochas, Pumpkin Spice, Eggnog and Chestnut Praline Lattes certainly are blissful, winter treats, but too many in the hustle, bustle and joy can be a bit rough on the waistline, immune system and the body in general (think sugar load and artificial flavorings.)

Try making a delicious cleaner, lighter, wintery-blend version with these simple ideas:

–Home coffee makers are coming out with some ingenius designs, easy-to-use and affordable for some fancy drink brews
–Use flavored coffee beans*, grinds or spice your own with: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg or even cocoa powder
–Add a natural sweetener of choice
–Add a flavor extract from an organic, natural flavor company
–Froth adds an elegant, nostalgic touch, with its fluffy topping and creamy sipping
–Pick an unsweetened milk alternative for a velvety drink


Here are a couple of my coffee essentials:

KAL stevia and Coconut sugar (especially with spiced coffees!)

(I combine unsweetened, vanilla Almond milk with unsweetened Coconut milk about 3:1)

Aerolatte and Ninja











*Some brands are a bit cleaner than others. Use caution and read labels if requiring a gluten-free lifestyle.

Trimming You This Holiday Season

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Definitely one of my favorite seasons with the lights, the nostalgia, time with family and friends, warm fires, crisp, cool air, dreams of “White Christmases,” cozy fires, candles, (did I mention I love the lights?!), rich colors and of course, fabulous flavors! From mid-November through the first week of the January bowl games, it can be one big, on-going, holiday party! Within our extended family, we have 4 birthdays, in addition to Thanksgiving, at least 2 Christmases and that doesn’t even consider any of the other fun seasonal parties, get-togethers and shopping sprees with all my favorite seasonal flavors, coffees and the goodies that are more easily and abundantly available. SO, what do holidays look like when living a “lifestyle” of health? How can you survive the season without fluffing up and requiring a crash course  recovery come January 2nd? Here are the secrets I’ve learned to help you make this the most enjoyable, healthful December!

1- Start now. It doesn’t matter where we are in the season. Start today and start reaping the benefits. It’s not too late and sometimes tomorrow doesn’t seem to show up.

2- Be realistic. There’s no need to plan weight loss from November to December, just plan to maintain not gain.

3- Eat breakfast.  Skipping meals typically sets you up to fail later in the day, making you more hungry and more likely to make impulsive food choices and to fill up on the abundant holiday treats.  Plus, it’s a perfect time to fit in green smoothies to help balance out what choices come later in the day.

4- Stay active. The gym routine, walk or jog may be shortened, but some is still better than none. It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy a brisk walk, look at lights, try ice skating, or do a short, home workout.

5- Plan ahead. If you know you’re going to a party, balance the rest of your day’s eating accordingly…eat lighter and more plant-focused and nutrient-dense before the event. Limit yourself to a single trip through the food line or even have a snack, green smoothie, veggie plate or salad before you go, to reduce the party munchies.

6- Sip wisely. Lattes, hot chocolate, cider and party drinks are usually loaded with empty calories and little nutritional value.  This can easily lead to weight gain, especially when paired with all the other holiday goodies. Sweeten drinks with stevia or honey, choose sparkling waters and pick your favorite indulgent drinks in moderation.

7- Try new recipes. Look for simple recipes with endless possibilities on social media. Just a few simple modifications can tweak your favorites into more healthful delicious-ness, while experimenting with a few new ingredients can hook you on some new favorites!

8- Make and freeze ahead. It’s the perfect season to make a big pot of veggie or bean-based soups or meals and freeze for a quick, nourishing meal to serve in the time-crunches later in the month.

9- Be still. In the midst of the bustle, take a few minutes to just slow down and unwind.  The holidays can be very busy and stressful.  Light candles and decorative lights, listen to Christmas music and just “be” to clear your mind, think, refocus, relax and even ponder the real meaning of the season.

Wherever you may be and whatever the season of your life may be, choose to make this your best season yet! Marvel at the beauty, ponder the significance and savor the Goodness of the Season.


Watch for Part 2 with more tips next week …and be sure to pass the secrets on to a friend!


Mini Pecan Pies

This may be one of the easiest desserts…ever! These Mini Pecan Pies work great for parties, appetizers, snacks or quick desserts. Like the real pie, they are just like candy!

Mini Pecan Pies

Choose Medjool dates.
Slice open and pit date, checking for any “bad dates.”
Fill halves or stuff the whole dates with pecans (or even walnuts!).
Sprinkle with cinnamon for a little seasonal spice.











Naturally gluten, dairy, refined sugar free.

Cranberry Orange Muffins

One of my all time holiday season, breakfast favorites!!! Bursting with flavor, beautifully colorful and slightly sweet! …and still innocent! Perfect for the season. Enjoy!

½ cup golden flax
⅓ cup coconut flour
1¼ cup gluten free flour blend (choose a high fiber brand)
½ cup xylitol
½ tsp KAL stevia*
½ tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp + 2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp xanthan gum
2 eggs, beaten
2½ Tbsp applesauce (unsweetened)
¼ cup coconut oil
1 medium orange, peeled, seeded, and pureed
1 Tbsp orange zest
1 tsp vanilla
⅔ cup almond milk (unsweetened, vanilla)
3 Tbsp raw honey
1½ cups fresh cranberries,** sorted, rinsed, drained and chopped

Combine dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Combine all remaining wet ingredients with dry and stir (except cranberries). Gently fold in chopped cranberries. Scoop into lightly greased muffin pan. Bake at 350° about 28-30 minutes.

Makes 12 muffins

* Amount may vary by brand

** To prevent “pink, red or purple” muffins, chop hard-frozen cranberries immediately before folding into batter