Pay attention to what you’re listening to. The power of music and sound has an incredible impact on the body, with an amazing ability to heal and refresh. Make a conscious effort to listen to music, stop and hear the beauty of nature, be still and hear the quietness … or even try singing! When used appropriately, you’ll be in awe at the balancing and healing you experience!
12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet: Week 3
Re-frame. Perspective. (hmm…stop and think on that a moment.) Could your Perspective change your Health? So many times what we see, feel or even experience in life is not a true reality. So often we look at life through colored glasses of our past, life experiences, family and cultural backgrounds, and many others. All of these lenses tend to shade, color and (quite often) distort our view. BUT, when we change our point of view, our perspective, it becomes a whole new ballgame.
As a formerly Type AAA person (I’m changing!!), it’s been easy for me to get incredibly task-focused, overly driven and onto the performance treadmill, missing the fun and enjoyment of the journey and daily life. BUT, as I slow down to breathe :), re-focus on what’s REALLY important to me, remember who I really am and just BE myself, pressure lifts, I can laugh at the perceived pressures, hamster wheel and even myself! Then, I’m free to enjoy the moment, seize the adventure and just have fun…and it’s a WHOLE lot less stress on the body!
Even exercise, re-framed, can really be FUN! I LOVE to be active, be outside and enjoy fresh air, but when the perception or talk of exercise, a gym, weightlifting or running 5 miles comes up, I cringe! Mention hiking, walking in outdoor beauty or playing tennis and for me, it’s no longer exercise but play! Funny, so often it’s all about perspective!
SO, with that in mind, here’s Week 3’s 12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet. Maybe all it takes for you will be a change of glasses to make these a reality and for your body to enjoy these benefits (and results!). Plus, YOU get to have a lot more fun in the process!
6. Laugh!
It affects the entire body, making it an essential and one of the most FUN components of wellness. Laughter strengthens the immune system, relieves depression, brings hope, boosts energy, oxygenates and detoxes body, reduces pain, offers benefits comparable to exercise, builds relationships, makes you more beautiful with a smile….and it’s free! A joyful heart really is good medicine. Lighten up. Don’t take life too seriously!
7. Be
Often, women especially, feel we must measure up…to standards of culture, Hollywood, social media, a career and more. That somehow we must constantly pe
rform, compete and look and act a certain way, keeping us on an exhausting hamster wheel. Know you are OK just the way you are! Believe it and live from that place of actually liking yourself. It can be uncomfortable at first, but SO freeing! Just Be. Be free to be yourself. Not everyone will “get” you. That’s ok. That doesn’t change your unique, marvelous Divine Design, inside and out!
8. Exercise – errr Go Out and PLAY!
The “E” word … with endless benefits: boosts the immune system, increases metabolism, relieves stress, improves moods, gives energy, strengthens bones, slows aging, removes toxins, promotes better sleep and regulates blood sugars – just to name a few. Find something you really like to do … make it fun … and get moving!
Your turn! How can you Laugh, Play and BE this week? What 3 changes will you make?
And be sure to share these tips that have helped you with a friend!
12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet – Week 2
Are you like me? Do you get tired of the monotony of some of the things you know are good for you? Anyone else get bored with brushing your teeth?! (Random, I know! And you’re probably laughing and rolling your eyes, as I am.) Really, I’m SO very thankful for my healthy pearly whites, but come on, let’s be real, brushing gets very…redundant!! And seriously, drinking water?!! Especially in Arizona. YES, It’s so wonderfully refreshing, but sometimes, it just seems…sooo…blahhh!
I was reminded this week, sometimes just the smallest tweaks that switch things up a little can make the biggest difference, especially when they become a regular part of our everyday living. While writing, I’ve been challenged to re-think and re-examine my daily habits to tweak and hone to get a few more benefits. I’ve realized I’ve gotten bored with water too (meaning I don’t drink quite as much as I’d like to.) Without really thinking, I pulled out a cute, plastic tumbler from a friend, complete with colorful straw, started filling it with cold water (though I usually drink room temp water!) and wow….all of a sudden, water seems just a little more exciting than it did last week. Funny! It was such a little tweak but it really made a world of difference! Now, I’m drinking more water again, and I get a reminder of a precious friend; so thankful!
Speaking of really breaking routines, my new favorite: vacation…stay-cation…whatever! And ‘tis the season! Amazing what a little change in routine, a day off, a change of scenery, a day off of make-up and “real” clothes and a change from the norm can do to refresh, renew and recharge the body! It’s a must and I’m learning to be even more intentional about making sure they happen regularly, not just once a year.
So here’s Week 2’s fun 12 Secrets continued. Be thinking how you can be inspired, knowing results can come through even the smallest changes and improvements.
3- Hydrate
Water is essential to life, making up 75% of your body. It helps keep your entire body healthy and hydrated, transporting nutrients into the cells and clearing out toxins. How much should you drink? Your weight ÷ 2 = ounces needed daily. Add extra to compensate for exercise, warm temperatures and when drinking coffee, tea or soda, which can be dehydrating.
4- Rest, Relax and Refresh – Now, this one is FUN!!!
Most illnesses are stress-related, throwing off numerous hormones throughout the body. Endless “to do” lists press our limits, but we need rest, daily and weekly. Rest and sleep unwind, rebuild and rejuvenate the body, enhancing creativity and performance, boosting moods, strengthening the immune system, helping us process life…and even learn! Be sure to take time to relax. Be still. Reflect. Read. Pray. Choose something fun to do. Build relationships. Pursue your dreams and hobbies. Get enough sleep. You’ll find the invaluable stress-relieving effects for your entire body!
5- Soak Up Some Sun
Be sure to get a daily dose of sun on bare, exposed skin (think beach, even if you’re in the city!!!). Increasing research shows just how vital Vitamin D (made in your body from sunlight) really is for boosting the immune system, preventing cancer and diabetes, maintaining weight and the health of every cell of the body. If you live in a place with lots of rain, clouds, primarily stay indoors (because it’s SO HOT!), or are super sun-sensitive, consider taking a supplement and getting your blood levels checked regularly to monitor your progress.
Now, it’s your turn!
What 3 tweaks are you going to make this week?
What will you do this week to break up monotony, stress and routine in your life?
Hellooo August! Guess what?! You still have 5 full months to hit your goals!! You can do it!!!
And, how’s your progress from last week’s tips? Update me! I want to know what’s working and where the struggle is real. (Missed Week 1 Secrets? Catch them here.)
I’ll be back next week with Week 3’s tips…and a new flavor of toothpaste.
I’ve missed you!!!
It’s been waaaaay too long!
Whether I met you one-on-one, at a class, a dessert tasting or while you were enjoying a slice of Innocent Indulgence, it’s GREAT to reconnect with you.
Much has happened as I’ve transitioned out of the kitchen and dessert production (yes, I miss eating them too!), into a super refreshing sabbatical, 3 weeks in Alaska, 5 months in Florida and road trips with friends including stops in VA, NC, TN, CA, TX, AL and LA. Now, I’m about to launch into the next Phase of Innocent Indulgence…with a whole NEW name and a whole NEW look coming VERY soon.
My passions have stayed the same: “inspiring you to radiant living” and “who knew healthy could taste so…guilty?!” I want your health to be at its absolute best, so you can fully live out your destiny and LOVE your life. BUT, the new focus will give you so many more resources to keep you walking towards your health goals and a fulfilling life. I’ll be sharing more of my story facing health challenges and transitioning into true health and all the tips I’ve learned from those times and my professional career, so you too can experience the wellness, benefits…and simplify (and shortcut!) the process.
Be looking for:
- Simple and quick tips that will bring you results
- Recipes
- eBooks and other educational resources—easy to read and easy to do
- Meal ideas
- One-on-one coaching sessions (via phone, Facetime or Skype to keep it convenient so distance is never an issue!)
- Classes – live and video
- Basic, essential supplements
- Cleanses and detoxes
- Kitchen and pantry revamping
- Beauty and household lifestyle tips
- Food sensitivity testing, reports and personalized tools
- Corporate and group wellness sessions
- Tips for balancing emotional and spiritual aspects of life affecting health
- And so much more
AND you’ll still be able to indulge in your favorite Innocent Indulgence desserts, as I’ll be publishing some dessert recipes in the very near future!
I want our resources and tips to be MOST helpful for you. So, let me know! What would be most helpful to you right now? Where do you find yourself getting stuck or “falling off the wagon?”
Either reply to this email/”contact me” with your thoughts…and let me know how you’re doing! I can’t wait to hear from you!
Have a wonderful week!
PS: Even though it’s July, it’s not too late to get back on track to hitting your goals for 2016. Find out how in next weeks’ 12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet.
Be sure to join us on social media with more frequent tips and updates!!