12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet: Week 3

Re-frame. Perspective. (hmm…stop and think on that a moment.) Could your Perspective change your Health? So many times what we see, feel or even experience in life is not a true reality. So often we look at life through colored glasses of our past, life experiences, family and cultural backgrounds, and many others. All of these lenses tend to shade, color and (quite often) distort our view. BUT, when we change our point of view, our perspective, it becomes a whole new ballgame.

As a formerly Type AAA person (I’m changing!!), it’s been easy for me to get incredibly task-focused, overly driven and onto the performance treadmill, missing the fun and enjoyment of the journey and daily life. BUT, as I slow down to breathe :), re-focus on what’s REALLY important to me, remember who I really am and just BE myself, pressure lifts, I can laugh at the perceived pressures, hamster wheel and even myself! Then, I’m free to enjoy the moment, seize the adventure and just have fun…and it’s a WHOLE lot less stress on the body!

Even exercise, re-framed, can really be FUN! I LOVE to be active, be outside and enjoy fresh air, but when the perception or talk of exercise, a gym, weightlifting or running 5 miles comes up, I cringe! Mention hiking, walking in outdoor beauty or playing tennis and for me, it’s no longer exercise but play! Funny, so often it’s all about perspective!

SO, with that in mind, here’s Week 3’s 12 Secrets to Living Your Healthiest Year Yet. Maybe all it takes for you will be a change of glasses to make these a reality and for your body to enjoy these benefits (and results!).  Plus, YOU get to have a lot more fun in the process!

6. Laugh!laugh friends health benefits

It affects the entire body, making it an essential and one of the most FUN components of wellness. Laughter strengthens the immune system, relieves depression, brings hope, boosts energy, oxygenates and detoxes body, reduces pain, offers benefits comparable to exercise, builds relationships, makes you more beautiful with a smile….and it’s free! A joyful heart really is good medicine. Lighten up. Don’t take life too seriously!

7. Be

butterfly transitions

Often, women especially, feel we must measure up…to standards of culture, Hollywood, social media, a career and more. That somehow we must constantly pe

rform, compete and look and act a certain way, keeping us on an exhausting hamster wheel.  Know you are OK just the way you are! Believe it and live from that place of actually liking yourself. It can be uncomfortable at first, but SO freeing! Just Be. Be free to be yourself. Not everyone will “get” you. That’s ok. That doesn’t change your unique, marvelous Divine Design, inside and out!

8. Exercise – errr Go Out and PLAY!play exercise

The “E” word … with endless benefits:  boosts the immune system, increases metabolism, relieves stress, improves moods, gives energy, strengthens bones, slows aging, removes toxins, promotes better sleep and regulates blood sugars – just to name a few.  Find something you really like to do … make it fun … and get moving!


Your turn! How can you Laugh, Play and BE this week? What 3 changes will you make?




And be sure to share these tips that have helped you with a friend!