What do You SEE?

vision - what do you SEEChecking in…how are you doing with your 2017 health goals? As we’re moving into the end of January, we’re hitting the point where resolution excitement begins to dwindle, motivation starts to wane, monotony (or boredom) starts to set in and the focus and clarity even start to fade.

Numbers motivate. At least for a short time. But let’s be real. Sometimes they’re just too hard to look at. Sometimes it feels waaaaay easier to be an ostrich with its head buried in the sand than to face the truth and reality (and sometimes the ugliness) of what’s really happening.

Numbers like these…

  • In 2012, approximately 50% of all adults (117 million), have one or more chronic health conditions; 25% of adults have two or more. –Prevention of Chronic Disease 2014
  • About 47% of adults have at least one major risk factor for heart disease or stroke: uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled high LDL cholesterol National Center for Health Statistics 2012
  • Less than 18% of adults consumed the recommended amount of fruit and <14% consumed the recommended amount of vegetables
    • Reversed, that means 82% do NOT eat recommended fruit servings
    • 85% do NOT eat recommended vegetable servings —2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Report, Center for Disease Control
  • Chronic diseases and conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are among the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems.” –National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, 2012
  • The numbers you see on the scale or on your lab results.

But there’s a MUCH better long-term motivator…and one we just can’t live without:


Yes. It’s THAT important. You see, without a vision (or a dream or goal) discipline and motivation will be non-existent. Literally, without a vision, people tend to have no guidelines and even run in circles and direction-less, since they don’t know where or what they are really running towards.

Take just a few minutes and get a really clear vision of what “good health” will look like for you.

  • What is it you want?
  • What exactly will this look like?
  • What (different) clothing/styles will you be able to wear?
  • What kind of energy will you have?
  • What will your labs look like?
  • What symptoms will you be without?
  • What are some specifics you would like… in your muscle tone? endurance levels?

With each season of life, the vision may change and need to be updated. But, without knowing what exactly it is that you are working to achieve, there will be no guide to motivate you to make the better choices and keep you encouraged at your progress along the way. Most importantly, you want to be able to celebrate your success. And then even move on to a new vision (and goals).

So, get specific. What do your health goals and health vision look like for 2017?! Don’t forget to write them out. There’s something special that happens as you clarify and set your vision on paper (or on a screen) in words!!!


(And YES…this works for more than health goals!) 🙂

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